The Town Budget is Insufficient

The Town Budget is Insufficient

The Board of Selectmen passed their budget on Tuesday. We are thrilled to see much needed funding for our parks (and beaches) but disappointed to see absolutely NO funding in the original submission for affordable housing and climate resilience. These are top...
Police Study Referendum Passes

Police Study Referendum Passes

A record number of voters (779) came out to support funding for the proposed police study. The referendum received bipartisan support – 705 to 74 – with 382 Democrats turning out to vote. This compares to the paltry 118 Democrats voting in the Budget...
Support the Bipartisan Police Review

Support the Bipartisan Police Review

The Old Saybrook Democratic Town Committee stands behind the bipartisan recommendations of the Police Commission, Board of Selectmen, and Board of Finance. They propose a $98,790 appropriation from the capital non-recurring fund for an organizational review of the Old...
Your Chance to Lead in Old Saybrook

Your Chance to Lead in Old Saybrook

On January 15, 2024 at 6:30 PM at the Pavillion, the Democratic Town Committee will hold its bi-annual caucus to elect members. This is your chance to have a voice in the workings of our local Democratic Party. Check out the legal notice of our meeting and come join...