1. Where will the town get the money to pay for the consultant?
The money is already in the town’s “savings account,” called the “capital non-recurring fund.” The town uses this account for large, one-time expenditures.
2. Why do we need this organizational review of the Police Department?
Nationally, there are challenges facing police departments in recruitment and retention. The Chief of Police and the Police Commission believe that the salary and benefit structure of the Old Saybrook Department of Police Services may make it harder for us to be competitive in recruitment and retention of officers. The town seeks an independent assessment of this issue for our particular circumstances.
3. Why PERF?
The selected consultant, the Police Executive Research Forum (“PERF”), is a nationally recognized expert in policing best practices, and has worked with many towns and cities throughout Connecticut and the nation. Their selection has been endorsed on a bipartisan basis by three Town boards: the Police Commission, the Board of Selectmen, and the Board of Finance.
4. What results and benefits will the town gain from this review?
Old Saybrook will soon begin contract negotiations with the Police Union for FY2024 – FY2027. The information gathered from PERF will help the town in details of the negotiations, ensuring that enhancements to the union contract will enable us to be competitive in the short and long term. PERF will also identify any impediments to recruiting and retaining qualified officers, and provide recommendations for areas of improvement.
View the PERF Proposal Here
Read the Old Saybrook Dems Statement Here