
The Old Saybrook Democratic Town Committee is your Democratic Party at the local level.  As such, we run candidates for all elected Boards and Commissions and we work hard to support Democrats running at State and National level.   In addition, we encourage civic engagement and community building by sponsoring and actively participating in town activities.

Our meetings take place at the Pavillion at Saybrook Point every second Monday of the month and are open to the public.  We welcome all comers.


Mission Statement

The Old Saybrook Democratic Town Committee fosters a town government in which the members of our community can actively participate and be represented. We promote transparency, accountability, and economy in our town government. We support the mission of our schools, the preservation of our natural environment, and sustainable economic growth. We value diversity of thought and seek to increase Democratic representation on our town’s boards and commissions as well as support Democratic candidates for statewide and national office.