Old Saybrook has a terrific school system. Yet today our in-coming kindergarten class is only two thirds the size of the graduating class. Declining enrollment may challenge the independence of our schools but providing more Pre-K and building more workforce housing can attract younger families. As Democrats we cherish the beauty and charm of Old Saybrook but we also believe that we must invest to preserve what we love. That’s why we are running for your Board of Education”
We believe Old Saybrook must:
- Continue to invest in the quality of our curriculum, our teachers and facilities
- Address declining enrollment by increasing affordable housing options for younger families
- Provide more and better options for daycare and pre-K
- Mitigate the risks for schools currently located in flood zones
- Push back on potential book and curriculum censorship
Jane Wisialowski (Check Out My Video)
Jane has lived in Old Saybrook for 24 years, where she and her husband have raised two sons in the town’s public school system. Jane has been an active force in the school system as a parent for many years and is also a committed public servant. In addition to her role on the executive board of the Old Saybrook Democratic Town Committee, she has served as a Parks and Rec Commissioner and was recently appointed to the Board of Ed to fill a vacancy. Jane has been a consistent, results-oriented, and highly-respected voice and presence on the Parent Teacher Associations at all three schools and a leader for the Safe Graduation Night fundraising committee for over 5 years.
Jane had a wonderful experience being involved in her sons’ education and sees her role on the BOE as a way to stay connected to Old Saybrook’s educational community in a leadership role. Motivated by a desire to serve—and give back to—Old Saybrook’s teachers, administrators, and students, she hopes to provide representation for all families in the policies set forth by the BOE.
Jane’s candidacy for the BOE comes with the benefit of her extensive background in the fields of business development, marketing, product development, elderly services, and professional fiduciary.
Earl Swain (Check Out My Video)
A lifelong resident of Old Saybrook, Earl descends from the Swain family, a name that has been connected to the town for several generations; many of his ancestors have worked on or along the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound.
Earl has held head chef positions at top restaurants in the shoreline area, and was once the culinary arts instructor at Mt. St. John school in Deep River. He currently works as the chef at Cloud Nine Catering, one of Connecticut’s most highly-rated special-events companies.
Earl graduated from OSHS, as did his two oldest children, and he is currently the single parent of four boys (ages 10-16), who are all enrolled in the public school system. Earl is running for the Board of Education to be an advocate for the teachers and administrators with whom he has developed strong relationships throughout the years. He wants both students and teachers to have all the tools and resources necessary to succeed, especially as they relate to technological advancement and providing the most up-to-date accommodations for kids with special needs. Earl’s bid for a seat on the BOE is a chance to facilitate the teachers’ and administrators’ growth as educators so that they have every opportunity to modernize—and prepare Old Saybrook’s youth for an ever-changing and diverse “real world.”
Jack Cardello
Jack and his wife, Mary, moved to Old Saybrook in 2008. Their daughter, Alexa, born in 2009, has attended Old Saybrook schools since kindergarten. Jack is intimately acquainted with the complex structures and policies of public school systems as he is a public school teacher himself. For the last 22 years, he has been teaching Aquaculture Marine Technology at The Sound School in New Haven, which is considered Connecticut’s premier aquaculture/agriculture science and technology education center. In the summers, he runs a launch for Old Saybrook’s North Cove Yacht Club using his USCG Merchant Mariner’s credential (a.k.a. Captain’s License).
Jack is running—and uniquely qualified for—a seat on the Board of Education because his long career in teaching has afforded him valuable insights and perspectives when it comes to the needs of students and how they flourish in classrooms. He looks forward to having productive, student-focused conversations with fellow commissioners, and his contributions will stem from his firsthand experience of the challenges facing educators and students alike. If elected, he will be a positive, enthusiastic presence and bring a strong, impactful voice to discussions of, and decisions on, ideas and solutions that benefit all Old Saybrook students.