Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

Record levels of personnel turnover. Wasteful lawsuits defending a lack of transparency. Enough is enough. Fund the request the Police Commission made more than a year ago to determine the root cause(s) of our challenges. Recruiting and retaining officers is...
Plans are Not a Measure of Success

Plans are Not a Measure of Success

Record temperatures in September. The boom and bust of flooding and drought. We can’t kick the can down the road with more studies. We know what we have to do. Implement high priority recommendations. Speed the development of Mariner’s Way. Complete the waste water...
Housing Priorities

Housing Priorities

Investing in affordable housing is key to Old Saybrook’s future success. It brings younger families into our schools. It gives options to our cherished seniors who want to downsize. It provides businesses with the workforce they need. Elect Democrats like Mike Bender,...
Keep Our Small Town Feel

Keep Our Small Town Feel

Growth is critical to keeping a town attractive to old-timers and newcomers alike. But sprawling growth could jeopardize our small town feel. Let’s make sure we plan and zone for housing, greenspace, walkways, amenities, historic preservation as well as thriving local...
How Do We Fix Declining Enrollment

How Do We Fix Declining Enrollment

Old Saybrook has a terrific school system. Yet today our in-coming kindergarten class is only 2/3 the size of the graduating class. Declining enrollment may challenge the independence of our schools but providing more Pre-K and building more workforce housing can...